
We are very proud to share some of the fabulous gardens we have created. We hope they inspire you to work with us on your next project.

Japanese Garden Design Brief, Hale

The Clients had specified a low maintenance garden which would reflect their Japanese inspired new build home. They didn’t want any lawn but gravel, stone, moss and plants to create a truly authentic feel in their garden. A mixture of fine grey stone gravel, shiny black pebbles and slate monoliths along with granite stepping stones set the scene for the hard landscaping.

The planting was predominantly made up of Japanese Acers ‘ Acer palmatum ‘ Osakazuki’, Acer palmatum ‘ Bloodgood’, Acer rubrum ‘Northwood’, Acer palmatum ‘ Beni-otake’. As well as Magnolia ‘ Liliflora’, Magnolia ‘Susan’

Grasses such as Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrens’, Bamboos such as Phyllostachys Nigrens, Fargesia nitida ‘ Black Pearl’, Phyllostachys aurea ‘ Golden’.

Japanese Azaleas and Rhododendrons of varying varieties were used along with Soleirolia soleirolli ‘Mind Your Own Business’

A natural stone and pebble water walk was created adding an element of fun amongst the bamboo for the children to enjoy.

A bespoke Japanese Tea House was also built along with a traditional Japanese Tetsu Bachi.

This was continued inside the house with the creation of an indoor lightwell. Here a large Natsume Bachi on pebbles and indoor bamboo brought the outside in.

I worked closely with the lighting technicians on siting ambient lighting throughout the garden.

Driveway Design, New build House, Hale

The clients had requested that the driveway reflect the style of the house. Here a paver was chosen that complemented the stunning slate roof on the house. Granite setts were used as edging with aco drains sited accordingly. Recessed led lights were also used amongst the setts. The Curved drive walls were rendered in an off white with inset lighting. Cheshire beestone sanstone walls were built surrounding the property.

Victorian Mansion House, Langham Road, Bowdon

I was given a blank canvas and asked by the clients to create something beautiful and sympathetic. Something that could evolve over the coming years.

The property is a stunning Victorian Mansion House set on a plot of nearly 0.75 acres, lawns were laid and the original pathways restored. After some research I learnt that rhododendrons had been a huge part of the planting at this property. Thus the Rhododenron Walk was created.

The sloping land down from the house had been left as lawn. Here I created the southerly facing sloping parterres, jammed full of bulbs and roses, all set amongst the tightly clipped box. The easterly facing parterres were laid predominantly with Euonymus, Fuchias and Hellebores. The aerial effect was simply stunning.

A woodland garden was also recreated with Himalyan Jacquemontii taking centre stage. Perennials and shrubs such as Anemone ‘Honorine Jobert’, Alchemilla mollis , Dicentra Formosa var. alba and Hydrangea macrophylla were planted up in groups of 3s and 5s.

Large garden in Ashley

Here the client has asked for a garden that will be filled with herbs, roses and scented perennials and climbers. No straight lines here! A curving pathway leads the eye down the garden to a covered dining area, passing a circular sandstone paved area with a stunning stone Foras Water feature. Ground covering Thymus softens the edges . A memorial seat and arbour will be planted up with Clematis and Meconopsis ‘Oriental blue poppy’ as a tribute to a dear friend and his favourite football team.

A kitchen garden is also being created for the Client who is a Chef. At the bottom of the garden raised beds will be planted up with vegetables and sweet peas.

Victorian formal front garden, Hale Village

Here the Client has asked for a formal front garden to reflect the architecture of the house. Here box hedging will be used to create a formal parterre with a half standard Ilex/ Bay trees to provide all year round structure. The beds will be filled with successional bulb planting, snowdrops will naturalise, tulips will be mass planted.

Large Rear garden, Hale Village

The brief here is to create a garden with a large entertaining area compromising of pizza oven, lighting, outdoor heating. As well as an area for the children to enjoy. A Putting Green has been suggested. A large paved terrace area will aim at bringing the inside out. A contemporary water rill will add to the wow factor on the terrace. The water rill will drop down to a glass/slate ball and planting.

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“Right from the initial consultation through to completion of the garden being built, Nira showed us a great understanding regards our design wishes, practicalities and budget constraints.

We now have as stunning garden which complements the victorian architecture of this beautiful house. Thank you Nira for bringing this forgotten space back to life.”

B. Razee, Bowdon